Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes y Maximiliano Paredes Velasco. 2015. Actas del III CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL SOBRE APRENDIZAJE, INNOVACIÓN Y COMPETITIVIDAD. CINAIC 2015. Ángel Fidalgo Blanco y Marisa Sein-Echaluce Lacleta (eds.) pp 726-731 Ed. Fundación Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, España, 14 - 16 Octubre 2015.
Resumen: Esta contribución describe la implementación de prácticas basadas en la resolución de casos reales en la asignatura de Interacción Persona-Ordenador. La experiencia es multidisciplinar, donde estudiantes de Grados de Educación Infantil y Primaria han asumido el papel de usuarios finales (usuarios, de ahora en adelante), mientras que los estudiantes de Interacción Persona-Ordenador (diseñadores, de ahora en adelante) han trabajado en el diseño de una interfaz con fines educativos. La experiencia de los alumnos se realiza bajo un enfoque pedagógico colaborativo. En este escenario de aprendizaje activo es muy importante la motivación que presenta el alumno para su implicación y participación en la actividad. El objetivo de esta experiencia es doble. Por un lado evaluar mediante instrumentos validados el grado de motivación que genera en los alumnos la realización de la actividad práctica con esta pedagogía colaborativa multidisciplinar. Por otro lado se quiere comparar el grado de motivación en los alumnos que tiene esta metodología colaborativa multidisciplinar respecto a otras dos metodologías: una variante de la anterior y otra más clásica. Los resultados indican una mejora significativa en la motivación de los grupos de la metodología presentada con respecto a la clásica.
Palabras clave: Role-playing, Experiencia multi-disciplinar, Interacción persona-ordenador
Students’ Motivation in the Subject of Human Computer Interaction with Realistic Projects
Abstract: This contribution describes the use of a project based learning methodology within the subject Human-Computer Interaction. The experience is multidisciplinary because two types of students are involved. Students enrolled in Kindergarten and Elementary Education degrees, which have assumed the role of end users, and students enrolled in Human-Computer Interaction, which have produced the design of an interface for educational purposes, assuming the role of designers. This experience follows a collaborative teaching approach. In this active learning scenario, the students’ motivation has an important effect on their involvement and participation in the activity. The objective of this experience is twofold. On the one hand, we wanted to assess, using validated instruments, the degree of motivation generated in students while working on the project activity with this multidisciplinary collaborative pedagogy. On the other hand, we wanted to compare the degree of motivation produced by this methodology with two other approaches: a variant of the above and other more classical. The results show a significant improvement in the motivation of the groups of the methodology presented in relation to classical one.
Keywords: Role-playing, Multidisciplinary experience, Human-computer interaction
Associate professor at Technical Superior School of Computer Science - ETSII, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Researcher at LITE Group (http://www.lite.etsii.urjc.es/) Member of the URJC Observatory for education and innovaton (http://observatorioeducacion.es/)
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015
martes, 28 de julio de 2015
Student activity and profile datasets from an online video-based collaborative learning experience
Estefanía Martín, Manuel Gértrudix, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes and Pablo A. Haya. 2015. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(5), pag 1467-8535. doi:10.1111/bjet.12318
Abstract: This paper describes two datasets extracted from a video-based educational experience using a social and collaborative platform. The length of the trial was 3 months. It involved 111 students from two different courses. Twenty-nine came from Computer Engineering (CE) course and 82 from Media and Communication (M&C) course. They were organised into nine interdisciplinary groups. Each group included three or four CE students and eight or nine M&C students. An additional group filmed the making of. This group has only M&C students. Four teachers supervised the trial. The total number of meaningful events was 2984.
Abstract: This paper describes two datasets extracted from a video-based educational experience using a social and collaborative platform. The length of the trial was 3 months. It involved 111 students from two different courses. Twenty-nine came from Computer Engineering (CE) course and 82 from Media and Communication (M&C) course. They were organised into nine interdisciplinary groups. Each group included three or four CE students and eight or nine M&C students. An additional group filmed the making of. This group has only M&C students. Four teachers supervised the trial. The total number of meaningful events was 2984.
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