Associate professor at Technical Superior School of Computer Science - ETSII, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Researcher at LITE Group ( Member of the URJC Observatory for education and innovaton (
viernes, 24 de octubre de 2014
Engaging students in creative learning tasks with social networks and video-based learning
Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes, Isidoro Hernán, Estefanía Martín. 2014. 2014 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference Proceedings, pp 1364-1371, Madrid, Spain, 22 - 25 October 2014.
Abstract: Video-based learning is a widely used approach for teaching. This paper investigates how this approach could be improved with other well known methodology: computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL). The integration of both approaches results in a creative and engaging educational activity, collaborative film-making. This task is supported by a platform developed as a social network. During the design of the platform, opinions of teachers and students were taken into account. Both, teachers and students, agreed that this approach helps students to understand threshold concepts. In addition, students identified useful facilities in the platform like group private workspaces or commenting tools. Students’ satisfaction was high, in fact they recommend the use of this approach in more subjects.
Computer science education,
Educational SSNN,
Video-based learning
Castilla, Madrid, Madrid, España
lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014
¡Estudiantes creativos! Creación de vídeos educativos en redes sociales educativas
Estefanía Martín, Manuel Gértrudix, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes, Pablo A. Haya, Isidoro Hernán-Losada, Jorge J. Castellanos. En Hernández, J. y Martín, E. (Eds.). Pedagogía audiovisual: Monográfico de experiencias docentes multimedia (2014), 53-65, Madrid, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
Abstract: Este capítulo se centra en un proceso reflexivo de creación de vídeos educativos donde los alumnos son los autores de los mismos. La metodología de trabajo se centra en trabajar un concepto umbral en formato audiovisual y discutirlo con los propios compañeros a través de una red social educativa. Tanto la creación del vídeo como el proceso de discusión aportan un aprendizaje significativo al alumno quien toma un rol totalmente activo en su proceso de aprendizaje. Con el objetivo de ilustrar el proceso completo se han incluido distintos vídeos creados por alumnos de diferentes asignaturas así como imágenes correspondientes al proceso de discusión y reflexión que se lleva a cabo en la plataforma y donde gracias a la revisión por pares supervisada por el profesor, los alumnos van aprendiendo de sus compañeros en un entorno activo y colaborativo seguro.
viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014
ClipIt: Supporting Social Reflective Learning through Student-Made Educational Videos
Pablo Llinás, Pablo A. Haya, Miguel A. Gutiérrez, Estefanía Martín, Jorge Castellanos, Isidoro Hernán, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes. 2014. Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2014). Rensing, C., De Freitas, S., Ley, T., Muñoz-Merino, P.J. (eds.) Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities, LNCS vol. 8719, pp 502-505, Graz, Austria, 16 - 19 September 2014.
Best demo award: 3rd position
Abstarct: ClipIt is an online social learning platform focused on reflective learning using videos created by students. ClipIt does not follow a fixed methodology, nor is classroom based or teacher-led. Instead it responds to the online distance education paradigm, promoting both social and collaborative interaction and inducing to follow activity steps with subtle guidance which allows for maximum flexibility for the teacher. This paper presents the ClipIt platform and supporting a student-driven reflective learning process, specially focusing on social and collaborative interaction.
Best demo award: 3rd position
Abstarct: ClipIt is an online social learning platform focused on reflective learning using videos created by students. ClipIt does not follow a fixed methodology, nor is classroom based or teacher-led. Instead it responds to the online distance education paradigm, promoting both social and collaborative interaction and inducing to follow activity steps with subtle guidance which allows for maximum flexibility for the teacher. This paper presents the ClipIt platform and supporting a student-driven reflective learning process, specially focusing on social and collaborative interaction.
Educational SSNN,
Video-based learning
Graz, Austria
miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014
On developing an active social learning video-based platform: goals and achievements
Pablo Alfonso Haya, Pablo Llinás, Estefania Martin, Miguel Ángel Gutierrez, Jorge Castellanos, Isidoro Hernán, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes, Nils Malzahn, Oliver Daems and Heinz Ulrich Hoppe. In Learning Through Video Creation and Sharing Workshop (paper 9). Graz, Austria, September 17, 2014.
Abstract: This position paper is framed within JuxtaLearn project. We present our approach on active social learning that relies on supporting reflective video based activities. We summarize ClipIt, a social learning platform that stimulates student-to-student interactions using an online web-based platform where learners reflect on videos and related material (storyboards, comments, ratings…) posted by other students. This paper summarises ClipIt’s design goals, our current achievements and future challenges that have not been accomplished yet, and are open to discussion.
viernes, 25 de julio de 2014
Increasing Adoption of Smart Learning Content for Computer Science Education
Peter Brusilovsky, Stephen Edwards, Amruth Kumar, Lauri Malmi, Luciana Benotti, Duane Buck, Petri Ihantola, Rikki Prince, Teemu Sirkiä, Sergey Sosnovsky, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes, Arto Vihavainen, Michael Wollowski. Working groups reports at ACM ITiCSE - Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Conference 2014.
Abstract: Computer science educators are increasingly using interactive learning content to enrich and enhance the pedagogy of their courses. A plethora of such learning content, specifically designed for computer science education, such as visualization, simulation, and web-based environments for learning programming, are now available for various courses. We call such content smart learning content. However, such learning content is seldom used outside its host site despite the benefits it could offer to learners everywhere. In this paper, we investigate the factors that impede dissemination of such content among the wider computer science education community. To accomplish this we surveyed educators, existing tools and recent research literature to identify the current state of the art and analyzed the characteristics of a large number of smart learning content examples along canonical dimensions. In our analysis we focused on examining the technical issues that must be resolved to support finding, integrating and customizing smart learning content in computer science courses. Finally, we propose a new architecture for hosting, integrating and disseminating smart learning content and discuss how it could be implemented based on existing protocols and standards.
Abstract: Computer science educators are increasingly using interactive learning content to enrich and enhance the pedagogy of their courses. A plethora of such learning content, specifically designed for computer science education, such as visualization, simulation, and web-based environments for learning programming, are now available for various courses. We call such content smart learning content. However, such learning content is seldom used outside its host site despite the benefits it could offer to learners everywhere. In this paper, we investigate the factors that impede dissemination of such content among the wider computer science education community. To accomplish this we surveyed educators, existing tools and recent research literature to identify the current state of the art and analyzed the characteristics of a large number of smart learning content examples along canonical dimensions. In our analysis we focused on examining the technical issues that must be resolved to support finding, integrating and customizing smart learning content in computer science courses. Finally, we propose a new architecture for hosting, integrating and disseminating smart learning content and discuss how it could be implemented based on existing protocols and standards.
Computer science education,
Uppsala, Suecia
martes, 1 de julio de 2014
Trending Breakthroughs in Human-Computer Interaction
Sandra Baldassarri, José A. Macías, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes. Journal of Universal Computer Science, vol. 20, no. 7 (2014), 941-943.
Abstract: There has been an increasing role of computers and machines in society over the last years. This has motivated Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to become an important field for both industry and academy. In fact, there is currently an especial interest in the design, development and implementation of applications highlighting user-friendly interfaces.
This special issue aims at a full discussion on new trends in Human-Computer Interaction, bringing together trending papers and breakthroughs in this field.
In particular, we invited authors of best papers presented at the XIV International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interacción 2013) to submit thoroughly revised versions of their contributions to this special issue. Interacción Conference provides an annual forum for disseminating the results of innovative research in Human-Computer Interaction concerning usability, accessibility, evaluation of interactive systems, hypermedia and web, affective computing, computer supported collaborative work, interaction for people with disabilities, context-aware systems, end-user development and other related areas. In addition, an open call for submissions was also launched, receiving other contributions from around the worlds.
Abstract: There has been an increasing role of computers and machines in society over the last years. This has motivated Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) to become an important field for both industry and academy. In fact, there is currently an especial interest in the design, development and implementation of applications highlighting user-friendly interfaces.
This special issue aims at a full discussion on new trends in Human-Computer Interaction, bringing together trending papers and breakthroughs in this field.
In particular, we invited authors of best papers presented at the XIV International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Interacción 2013) to submit thoroughly revised versions of their contributions to this special issue. Interacción Conference provides an annual forum for disseminating the results of innovative research in Human-Computer Interaction concerning usability, accessibility, evaluation of interactive systems, hypermedia and web, affective computing, computer supported collaborative work, interaction for people with disabilities, context-aware systems, end-user development and other related areas. In addition, an open call for submissions was also launched, receiving other contributions from around the worlds.
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